

 A ROSTRUM offspring for sharing travel experiences

This section aims to encourage the sharing of field expedition or museum visit stories that can be helpful for the community as we navigate rules, regulations, and logistics of travel and collecting around the world. 

Email us at weevilworkers@gmail.com if you have stories to share!

These can be as long or short as you want and accompanied by as many images as you like.

Panama June – July 2022

M.L. Chamorro, B. de Medeiros, M.L. Buffington

Follow the link for a short recount and photos of a highly productive and memorable expedition to the interior of Panama.

NHM London
February 2023

V. Díaz Grisales

Follow the link for a short recount and photos of a highly productive and memorable expedition to the interior of the weevil collection in the Museum of Natural History in London, England, UK.

AMNH New York
Jan.Feb. 2023

M. Barrios Izás

Follow the link for a short recount and photos of a highly productive and memorable expedition to the interior of the weevil collection in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, NY, USA.