Weevil Course & Roundup
July 24 – August 2, 2025
9 days of weevil blissSouthwestern Research Station, Portal, Arizona, USA
Sponsored tuition: 750 USD
(room and board; course fees waived)
Full tuition: 1200 USD
(room and board plus course fees)

For information on applications visit
The course is limited to no more than 20 participants.
Acceptance criteria are based on responses to the application form:
Background and reason(s) that drive you to participate in the course:
Past experience working with weevils
How the expertise developed at the Weevil Course will be of immediate use to your research, outreach/extension, conservation, or policy activities moving forward
Plans to share the knowledge gained from the Weevil Course with your students, colleagues, or the general public
It has been more than 10 years since the last offering of the weevil course at the Southwestern Research Station (SWRS) in Portal, Arizona. This time the course will include twelve experts for no more than 20 participants.
Weevils are among of the most diverse organisms on Earth, including some of significant economic importance.
This course will provide information and resources for weevil identification at the subfamily level, highlighting relevant characters for genus-level identifications. At the end of this 9-day course, participants will be competent in basic taxonomy of weevils, their biology, current classification, collecting methodology, curatorial and identification techniques.
The scope of the course will be global, but emphasis will be placed on the US and Canadian weevil fauna. We will be testing the soon-to-be-published keys to weevil genera of this region. Since the course will take place in Arizona, we will also focus on weevils occurring along the US/Mexico border.
Emphasis will be placed on important groups because of their diversity, their effect on cultivated plants, or because of a lack of study.
Participants will be able to collect, identify, and keep specimens.
Transportation: participants are responsible for their own transportation to the station. Options will be provided.
M. Lourdes Chamorro
National Museum of Natural History
Jennifer C. Girón
Museum of Texas Tech University
Salvatore S. Anzaldo
National Museum of Natural History
M. Andrew Jansen
National Museum of Natural History
Robert Anderson
Canadian Museum of Nature
Ottawa, Cananda
Robert Anderson
Canadian Museum of Nature
Ottawa, Canada
Area of expertise: systematics, taxonomy, morphology, field work, Curculionoidea
Salvatore S. Anzaldo
National Museum of Natural History
Washington, DC, United States
Areas of expertise: phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, field work, Conoderinae, Molytinae, Conotrachelus
Samuel Brown
Adaptive Entomology, Plant and Food Research
Auckland, New Zealand
Areas of expertise: taxonomy, identification, Entiminae, Brachycerinae, Curculioninae, Cossoninae, Cryptorhynchinae, Molytinae
Lourdes Chamorro
National Museum of Natural History
Washington, DC, United States
Areas of expertise: phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, field work, Curculionoidea, Dryophthorinae, Cossoninae, Attelabidae
Anthony Cognato
Department of Entomology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Areas of expertise: molecular systematics, taxonomy, morphology, field work, Scolytinae, Platypodinae
Bruno de Medeiros
Field Museum of Natural History
Chicago, IL, United States
Areas of expertise: Pollinating Insects, Curculioninae, Baridinae, insect interactions, genomics, phylogenetics
Jennifer C. Girón
Museum of Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas, United States
Areas of expertise: taxonomy, morphology, systematics, collections management, biodiversity data, Curculionidae: Entiminae
Richard Leschen
New Zealand Arthropod Collection
Auckland, New Zealand
Areas of expertise: Phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, field work, general Coleoptera (esp. Cucujiformia)
Samanta Orellana
School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, United States
Areas of expertise: Anthribidae
Sarah Smith
Department of Entomology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, United States
Areas of expertise: Phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, field work, Scolytinae, Platypodinae
Ryan J. Whitehouse
New York State Museum
Albany, New York, United States
Areas of expertise: taxonomy, morphology, field work, Curculionidae, Baridinae, specimen imaging
Nikolai Yunakov
Institute of Biodiversity, NGO
Melrose, Massachusetts, United States
Areas of expertise: Phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, fieldwork, Curculionidae, Entiminae
We recognize the importance and are thankful for the critical contributions made by our sponsors.
Tentative schedule
Southwestern Research Station